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What’s in a food parcel?
Our foodbank provides three days of nutritionally balanced, non-perishable food.
As part of The Trussell Trust we’ve worked with nutritionists to make sure the food parcels we supply contain at least three days worth of healthy, nutritionally balanced meals for individuals and families. Our emergency food parcels are not designed to meet long-term need – that’s why we work with our referral agencies and other partners across the county to ensure that there is access to the support which is needed.
A typical food parcel includes:
- Breakfast cereals
- Long-life milk
- Long-life fruit juice
- Soup
- Pasta
- Rice
- Tinned tomatoes/ pasta sauce
- Lentils, beans and pulses
- Tinned meat and fish
- Tinned vegetables
- Tinned fruit
- Tea or coffee
- Biscuits / snacks
We also supplement our parcels with fresh fruit and vegetables and provide essential non-food items like toiletries and hygiene products when we can.
Dietary requirements
When making up a food parcel we check any special dietary requirements and adapt the parcels as needed for example, gluten free, halal or vegetarian. Please get in touch with your local foodbank to find out more.
If you’re organising a collection for us get in touch and we’ll let you know if there are any items we are urgently in need of.