Calling all East Lothian businesses!
Be our miracle match funder.
If you can make our Christmas wish come true we’d love to chat. Please call Elaine on 07877 682 357 or email [email protected]
Just as Santa would struggle without his elves we wouldn’t be able to do anything without our East Lothian Foodbank Supporters, our ELFS.
Find out how you can help us reach our 10 to 10 target TOGETHER
Prefer to chat?
Call us on 07516 510 617
Prefer text or whatsapp?
No problem, it's the same number 07516 510 617
Prefer to write?
Email us on [email protected]
Help us reach our 10,000kg target this Christmas.
Every donation makes a difference.
Thank you!
A HUGE thank you for all that you do to continue to support us at this time.
- Thank you for all your donations for our food parcels
- Thank you for all your donations of money
- Thank you for all your messages of support
- Thank you to all our funders and suppliers
- Thank you for all your time
#togetherwecandomore #hungerfreefuture