Give us feedback
If you have any thoughts or concerns about our work, please let us know.
We are committed to delivering a high standard of service to anyone who engages with our work.
We believe that the best way to improve our service is by learning from the people who use it. We welcome comments, compliments and complaints from the people who use our foodbank, referral agencies, volunteers and anyone else we come into contact within our work. These help us to see what we are doing well and where we can make improvements.
How to register a complaint or give feedback
If you would like to share a concern, compliment or comment on any aspect of our service, you can contact us in one of the following ways:
- Complete our contact us form
- By email:
- By phone: 07516510617
- In person at our foodbank
- Write to the following address: 3 Civic Square, Tranent, East Lothian EH33 1LH
Read our complaints policy to see details of how we will handle your complaint.