
Thank you, you’re amazing!

26th January 2023

Last year saw demand reach levels we’ve never seen before and we’d just like to share a thank you from our team here at the foodbank….

We really do appreciate all the support given by so many and although it would be impossible to name everyone we would like to express our gratitude to all the individuals, schools, churches, businesses, organisations and community groups who have donated their time, money or parcel items to us. It is truly inspiring to live in a community where so many give so much and clearly care about those around them whether they be a neighbour or a stranger.

At this time when we are all facing the soaring cost of living, many local people on the lowest incomes are being left with no option but to use our food bank. We’re part of the Trussell Trust’s network, and their new figures predict food banks across the UK are about to face the hardest winter yet, with 1.3 million emergency food parcels predicted to be given out across the UK between October 2022 and March 2023, including half a million to children.

We’re really worried at East Lothian Foodbank about what the coming months will bring. If you follow our social media you’ll have seen that demand has steadily increased across the year and by early September we had already supported more households than in the whole of 2021. In fact as
the year came to a close we saw a 50% increase on the previous year with emergency food support being provided to 11,373 people, over a 1/3 of whom were children.


We know we’re not a long-term solution and we shouldn’t need to be doing this. Everyone should have enough money coming in to buy their own food – and we’re proud to work with the Trussell Trust to push for changes to the things that are leaving people without enough money right now, so we can build a better future. But while we do that long-term work, and at a time when we are seeing the highest demand we’ve ever experienced please know we are so grateful to everyone in East Lothian for their generous donations of time, skills, food and money.

We will continue to do everything in our power over the coming months to provide people with practical support and a warm, non-judgmental welcome. Thank you for all you continue to do so we can ensure help is here for anyone in our community struggling to afford the essentials.
If there’s anything we can do to support you or someone you know through this difficult time – you can get in contact with us by emailing us on [email protected] or calling or sending a whatsapp to 07516 510 617

If you’d like to keep up to date with what’s happening at the foodbank you can follow our social media channels or look out for updates on our website.

Lastly, just another heartfelt thank you from all of us here at the foodbank. We really couldn’t provide any of the support we do without you.

Thank you for all you are doing.
Elaine Morrison, East Lothian Foodbank Manager

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